Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Now it's our turn

Ok, the media has had their fun, now it's my turn. 

All of the negative press about the "stresses" of raising an autistic or autistic/disabled child are running wild on the airwaves and internet filling the general public's heads with horrible distorted ideas of what goes on from day to day in the minds and hearts of these "special needs" parents.  Apparently, some people out there have decided that it's a good idea to feel sorry for special needs parents that have harmed their own children.  Some people out there have decided that it is the "stress" of raising children with special needs that would drive a person to murder or abuse.  What, you couldn't find a poor beaten up old lady to blame so you decided on the special needs child as the scape goat?

I can't speak for everyone so I'll speak for myself and my family.  My son is 14, low functioning autistic non-verbal, and completely blind.  He is considered severely intellectually impaired.  To say that our days are "challenging" is an understatement but not in the way the media portrays it.

I wrote a book called "Autism and Assholes" for this very reason.  The world has such a twisted view of not only these kids but of their parents as well. 

Every day you can find forums, discussion boards, facebook, twitter and various other means of communication and networking full of what the rest of the world might call "pissing and moaning" or "venting".  Let's set something straight right now; this is just venting.  It is healthy, it is normal, it is important, and it is human.  No where in any of these discussions will you find a human being that is upset at the existence of their child.  No where in any of these places will you find a parent that places blame on their child for life's little difficulties.  I'll tell you where most of these people (including myself) do place the blame for most of our difficulties; ignorant media coverage and the general population that follows these opinions like sheep.

What we need is support!  We do NOT need speculation about our state of mind.  We do NOT need judgment of our every breath and every move.  We do NOT need "wanna-be" experts coming up with every idea in the world of what we're doing wrong.  Who made the rest of the world judges of our lives?  Who made the rest of the world experts on our mental state?  Who made the rest of the world fortune tellers foreseeing the woes that would soon become us all?  I'll tell you who.......the people responsible for stereotyping special needs care giving and special needs children. 

I can speak for my own life and tell you this; There is no one person in my life that has taught me so much but my special needs son.  He is the person responsible for the changed person that I am.  The thoughtful, kind person I thought I was before he was born was just a package prepared by society showing me the politically correct way to behave.  NOW I am the real deal capable of TRUE unconditional love and understanding, patience, and compassion.  NOW I see what I didn't before.  NOW I am capable of so much more.  It is because of him that I am a better person.  It is because of my son that my life is more fulfilling.  It is because of my son that I love more deeply than I ever did before.


  1. Dear Marie
    I do not have a child with Autism. But my very dear friend does. I love her and him with all my heart. Although I never had to live through any of their experiences, she has shared their journey with me as friends do. And I always wished that I had a way of helping. But I honestly did not know how.
    I wrote Shine because I wanted Karl to know how brilliant he is. Because I wanted him, and everyone else, to see the light that I see in him. I tell my own children, everyone has beauty in them, you just have to see it.
    I do not want to change Karl. I want to change the world he lives in so people are more aware, more loving and less judgmental. At the end of the day, we all need the love and support of others.

  2. Thanks Justine! Applause to you for your support of your friend and her son! She's lucky to have you in her life! "Shine" sounds like a must read.
