Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hate mail

Ah!  Yet another entitled asshole has spoken!  My first glance of the news today brought me to a story of a mother of an autistic that was sent hate mail by her "anonymous neighbor".  read the full story here  Apparently the world wide asshole association has inducted another member! 

To the writer of this letter or anyone that sympathizes with her opinion.

Clearly from the statements in your letter you believe yourself to be perfectly normal.  Can you define normal for me please?  Do you believe it is normal to send hate mail to your neighbors?  Do you believe it is normal for an adult human being to have such hatred towards a child?  Do you believe it's normal for a person to have such steadfast angry opinions yet be too much of a coward to include her name in a letter?  Do you believe it is normal to wish that all people of intellectual impairments or physical disabilities be "moved away" from the rest of the population?  Does normal mean to you that your children be exposed only to people that are exactly like them?  History is full of people like you that thought the way you do about people different from themselves.  They are our world's psychopaths;  the brutalizers and oppressors of the human race.  Their names have gone down in history as horrific monsters.  Do you realize that you have now lumped yourself in with the same names?

Some experts say that autism is more likely to develop in the children of extremely intelligent parents.  In this case, you have nothing to worry about.  Your children will be just fine other than the fact that they will have to grow to overcome your hatred and ignorance on their own.  I pity your children and all that they must endure.  I pity that they are forced to subscribe to your hideous philosophies based on sheer stupidity.  I pity that they will not have a chance to know what it is to truly love and see good in others.  I pity them if they were to ever suffer some sort of disability.  What would you do then?  Would you follow the advice you preached?  Would you willingly move away from your home like a fugitive if your neighbor informed you that your child was an annoyance to them?  Would you not be reduced to tears and utter shock at the very thought?

When you go to a neighborhood party do you actually believe that everyone there adores you?  Do you really think that some people there don't secretly wish you weren't their neighbor?  Do you realize that your neighbors are only tolerating you because they know they are not entitled to ask you to move?

Are you without any differences from others?  Do you fit neatly in some graph that states you are "normal"?  Clearly this is not the case because I certainly haven't heard of any of your other neighbors writing hate mail to disabled children's parents.  Clearly you are the minority here.  Clearly you are the one that is different.  Clearly, you are the one that should move.  If you want a neighborhood clear of any imperfections you better look really hard because I doubt you'll find one that will accept you. 

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