Friday, August 30, 2013

The Money Tree Died In The Drought

The Money Tree Died In The Drought

As I stated before, the money fairy or the money tree does not just automatically exist in my home just because my son was born with a disability and developed autism.  It just doesn’t work that way no matter what it appears that other assholes believe.  I’ll clue you in here to what I’m talking about with a few stories.

I am in the process of planning a trip on an airplane for the first time with my son in a few months.  This is for a very special occasion that I just cannot miss.  In trying to prepare for this with my son I have consulted with many people trying to gather ideas of how to make this tolerable for him and what tricks or tips the professionals have to offer.  To this I got a response of “just take him on 4 or 5 practice flights before the actual trip” so he can have his meltdowns on the ones that don’t matter and the special trip will go smoothly.  What asshole?  What are you thinking?  Do I look like I have a personal jet in my backyard?  Do I look like someone that recently won the lottery and can buy 4 or 5 airline tickets for 3 people just to “practice” airplane rides with my son?  What do you think this is the trump mansion?

Once I was talking about the air mattress in my sons room to a person affiliated with his care.  The conversation went on with me explaining how I wish there were a better alternative and I hated to have him just on a mattress on the floor.  This person then explained that it really wasn’t that big of deal at all and that there are tons of companies out there they make fully enclosable “safety” beds for autistic children and I could just buy one online and have it delivered.  Well, for once I was really intrigued and went immediately home and began my own self expert google search and that’s when I saw it.  The grand poo-pa of all safety beds.  The king of sleep and peace and quiet and insurer of calm sleep totally free of hazards and injury all for the bargain basement price of $8,000.00.  WHAT?  Are they out of their minds?  Not only is this thing 8 grand but I’m looking at it and already seeing the ways my Houdini could escape it, get out of it or tear it apart!  Eight Thousand Dollars!  So I picture this woman’s face again when she told me of this “no big deal; just order one online” deal and am thinking to myself at this point “ok asshole, I don’t know what world you live in but around here, 8,000.00 is what you pay for a car………not a bed!”  Oh wait a minute……….I’ll just consult the money tree or the finance fairy and it’ll be fine.  Hey wait a minute, I still have checks in the checkbook.  If you still have checks you still have money, right?  (calm down; I’m joking)

Now that we’re on to the topic of money and how it pertains to special needs children and more particularly my son, let me pull out my little soap box……..arrgh, ok.  I am officially on it so brace yourself, this could get ugly.  Wheelchairs;  has anyone priced a decent wheel chair lately?  Or how about those cool weighted blankets that children that crave texture and pressure love?  What about those special swings for $1,500.00 guaranteed to delight your autistic child?  What about just the cost of diapers large enough to fit a growing teenage boy?  How about the floor I replace about every 3 months?  What about special toys with special features that you can’t get anywhere but a special needs supplier?  All of them ridiculously high priced.  Hundreds and thousands of dollars for things that these kids; my son really desperately could use and benefit from.  Special seat belt harnesses $220.00 to keep him from exiting the seat and entering the floor of the vehicle.  Gigantic adult size car seats for proper safety traveling long distances $4,000.00.  Adult size strollers, $1800.00.  You name it it’s in there but you better be independently wealthy or have the most utopian insurance company out there in the world if you want to get your hands on this stuff.  So my question is this;  What asshole decided to make bargain bin toys and equipment to sell at walmart for every other normally physically advantaged child but decided “oh those disabled children, they’re a pain in the ass, let’s make them pay extra for everything they need.”  Graco baby stroller; $180.00.  Stroller for disabled child (way less advanced and luxurious; $1,800.00.  See my point?  Who decided that disabled children were the place to install price gouging tactics?   Even the guy that distributed this products and price catalog to the school room full of these physically disabled children is an asshole!

I had a specialist once recommend that I duplicate everything that was in the classroom somewhere in my home.  I agreed!  I thought this was a really productive and smart idea.  This would help my son learn the same skills at home as he is learning at school. Repetition and consistency was my line of thinking and I was on the bandwagon with this one.  Right up until I found out the cost of just a few of the things I would need to purchase out of about 30.  Yes, I could do this but then I’d have to explain to my other children that they could not go to college, could not go to prom, could not have dental work, could not eat food, and could not wear clothing except out of the donation box down the street.  Sure, no problem asshole……….I’ll just duplicate it.

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